Document Number 2002 System Locks With Scanner Board Installed 5/15/93 Please note that the following problem does not occur with the Logitech ScanMan Color. Symptom: After plugging the scanner board into a 486 computer the system will not boot. No video display comes up and the system appears to be without power. No memory check will appear. When the scanner board is removed, the system will boot properly. Solution: The problem described above has been confirmed by the engineers at Logitech. We have found the problem to be caused by the motherboard. A batch of motherboards using the SIS chipset were built with an incorrect value pull up resistor on the DMA, which translates to an incompatibility with certain hardware devices. The problem has now been corrected by Free Computer Technologies, a local motherboard manufacturer. There is currently a new revision of the motherboard available which does not present the failure described above. Logitech has been working with Free Computer Technologies to resolve this problem and has verified that the problem is corrected. Although this is the only manufacturer of motherboards with whom we have been able to confirm the resolution, we have received reports from customers throughout North America who have received similar feedback from their motherboard manufacturers. If your system displays these symptoms, and your motherboard uses an SIS Chipset, then Logitech advises contacting the manufacturer of your motherboard to see if they have a new revision which will correct this problem. If you have any questions or are unable to receive any assistance from the manufacturer of your motherboard, please contact Logitech at (510) 795-8100 during business hours or send us a FAX at (510) 505-0978 and we will be more than happy to look into the situation for you.